Monday, April 23, 2012

Meat Free Monday

Well it's Monday again and this year I have started doing "Meat Free Monday". Previously I have tried to do one vegetarian meal a week but it was always a bit hit and miss. This was before I started planning the weeks menus (see this post). Now that I am planning the week's menu I can consciously plan at least one vegetarian meal each week (we actually had 2 last week).

Bean and lentil tagine with homemade flat bread
B is quite a little meat eater which is fine, however, I have never been a huge meat eater. So I am really extending my cooking repertoire to keep him satisfied! And it has been really good to go through my cookbooks to find new recipes.

 There are a number of reasons for having vegetarian meals including cost with vegetables being cheaper than meat. Also, the lower impact on the environment of producing vegetables as opposed to meat. I don't know that we would ever go the whole hog of going vegetarian full time but I think it's a good thing to eat less meat. I have discovered a great shop at Preston Market that stocks a huge range of beans and lentils which has been good for variety. 

Tonight's dinner - Samosas

I am also really enjoying exploring more and more ways to serve vegetarian meals that are enticing to a young child. I have had varying levels of success on this front. The less successful have been the regular meals that I have just adapted to vegetarian e.g. lasagne, burgers, etc. I really think the most successful are the tagines. B really loves them no matter what type I make - meat or vegetarian.

Sweet and Spicy Vegetable Tagine
I would really love to hear if you have any favourite vegetarian recipes. You can never have enough recipes right?


  1. I love tagines!
    Some of my fav vego meals:
    (let me know if you want the recipes)
    moussaka (made with lentils, eggplant and ricotta)
    mushroom lasagne
    veggie quiche (are you counting eggs?)
    eggplant parma
    quick mushroom 'pizzas'
    (looks like I love mushrooms and eggplant... which I s'pose I do)

    1. Sounds yum Ramona. Would love the recipes for the moussaka and eggplant parma. I have recently discovered a love for eggplant! They sound delish.
