Thursday, November 21, 2013

We have a dog!

A big event in our house over the last few weeks is that we adopted a dog. B has been asking me for ages for a dog. However, as we rent I was reluctant to get one. At our last rental inspection I asked the agent whether we would be allowed to. We got a yes from the landlord so that barrier was removed.

I chose to adopt a dog from a shelter. There were a number of reasons for this. One, there are many dogs that need to find their new forever home. Two, it is much cheaper - $300 for a desexed, vaccinated, micro chipped and vet checked dog. Three, I didn't want to get a puppy as I thought it would be too much work with B being only 5.

Cosmo is a 6 year old Shih Tzu cross. He has brought a lot of joy into our lives. It's nice for B to have him to play with and take responsibility for. It is his job to feed him.

Here is Cosmo rocking out his new jacket. He sleeps outside so I was worried about him getting cold at night. I found the pattern for this here and it was super easy and quick to make. I had the fabric lying around already so it didn't cost me anything.

One of the other nice benefits to having a dog is the necessity to walk him. It's nice for both of us (especially me) to get the exercise. In addition, it's a great way for B and I to connect. While we are walking we can chat about a whole range of stuff without the distractions of home.

I'm so glad that our family has expanded to include this cute little fellow.