Thursday, October 10, 2013

Loving my Library

I love my library. With money being tight I can't afford to buy too many books. Also, with my ongoing attempts to declutter and have less stuff I can't justify having lots of books around.

I used to use the library a lot when I was younger, however, with moving around into different areas I got out of the habit. In addition, the last area I lived in charged for reserving books which kind of put me off.

However, I have got back into the swing of using my library. I tend to use it just to reserve books rather than browsing the shelves. I have to sometimes be careful with how I manage my holds as I had few times where I had a couple of books out at the same time and had to read very quickly to make sure they were back on time. If somebody else has a hold on them you cannot renew the item so have a deadline of 3 weeks to work to. Also, you need to be prepared for sometimes a long wait for a book. I had one book that I had to wait 10 months for - thankfully it was a good read so I wasn't too disappointed!

My library also operates a system where you can create a wish list of books that you want to read. This has been great as I am trying to work through Oprah's book list so whenever I need a book I can just request it from my wish list.

It's also been great for B now that he is into chapter books. I can pick up books at the library that I think he may enjoy to test the waters. This way we have been able to find out what authors he loves. Usually once he enjoys one book he is keen to read other books by the same author.

As I was preparing this post I was watching Tim Winton being interviewed. Prior to the show I placed a hold for his new book and was 27th in line (and they don't even have the book yet). Another one I may have to wait awhile for!

So as long as I return the books on time my library is free so it's nice and easy on the pocket. Also, if I get a book that I don't enjoy I don't need to worry too much as it hasn't cost me anything except time.

I would love to hear any suggestions for good reads to add to my list!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm in Love!

Yes I am in love........with my whitegoods!

I had a small fridge/freezer which was great before B was born. However, I now eat at home more often, take a lot more care with my food these days and don't want to shop with a 5 year old too often (I know, crazy!). So the fridge/freezer I had has been too small for a long time. Earlier in the year I purchased a new fridge and just recently got a new freezer as well. And I am soooo happy!!!

I am getting so much use out of the freezer. In addition to storing meat, bread and frozen veggies I keep it full of other goodies. Some of the things are:

1.  Extra meals. I often make larger meals and freeze the left overs to have on days where we are super busy or I just can't be bothered cooking. It's lovely having the extra space to store a variety of meals.

2.  Stock. I have also started making my own stock. A couple of reasons for this. One, it tastes so much better and two, I know what is in it and that there are no nasties.

3.  Beans. Rather than having tinned beans/chick peas I have started cooking my own and freezing them in individual portions ready to go.

4.  Rice. This one was following a suggestion from a friend. Usually I am just fine with some meat and veggies, however, B needs a bit of carbohydrates with his dinner. I just cook a bit of extra rice and freeze in small portions for him.

5.  Ice cream. I have an ice cream maker and enjoy making my own ice cream. Again, I freeze it in small portions so that you can serve a lot easier rather than waiting for a big container to get soft enough.

6.  Soups. Good for lunches during winter and also depending on the type even sometimes for dinner.

7.  Cooked meats. I really don't like the amount of chemicals, salt, etc. in processed meats so I have been starting to do my own. I just steam a couple of chicken breasts, break them up when they are cool and freeze them in individual portions for sandwiches, salads, etc.

New Fridge!
I am planning to start making a few sweet treats as well to store in the freezer. This will be particularly helpful for next year when I go back to work and B starts school.   
New Freezer!
I would love to hear any other ideas of things I can pop in the freezer to save time or money or just so I can keep working on having as little processed food as possible. 


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Progress Report

I did intend this to be a half year report and publish at the start of Term 3. We have had a crazy couple of months and it hasn't eventuated. So I will just call it a progress report on my year at home with B. For details on how this came about see here.

It has been a challenging year. B took quite a while to settle into kindergarten and still has issues occasionally. It has been a blessing to be able to be present for him during this time. In the meantime, I have made some really great connections with the other families at kinder. I'm excited about this because most of our kids will be together at school.

A few of us have been meeting to craft together. The kinder teacher wanted us to make some more of these which the children use as reins whilst pretending to be horses. She also asked for some animals made out of felt for the children to play with and for her to use in storytelling time.

The reins we had to copy.

One of my lot of reins along with some starfish and dolphins.

One of my goals for the year was to spend some time nourishing myself. It is not something I have done much of in the last few years and I have been feeling the effects of not enough exercise and just time on my own. I'm not complaining as I love spending time with B I just know that I am a better parent when I'm feeling good about myself. I am lucky that a really good friend also has a free day on one of B's kinder days. We have been able to catch up either for a coffee and chat or a special trip to the movies on those days. A lovely way to recharge!

And I have started exercising! I was looking for something that was casual and I could attend while B was at kinder. I was also looking for something cheap and if there was a bit of fun that would be great too. During the April school holidays we went roller skating with some friends. As this was the first time B had been (and the first time I had been in 20+ years) and he understandably very tentative. However, he really enjoyed it so when I found out they offered lessons for pre-schoolers I asked if he wanted to go. He was really keen so he's been doing that for the last two terms. Before the pre-schoolers class there is an adults back to skate class. After watching a few times I thought it looked like fun. I then started going myself on his kinder days and really enjoyed myself. I did have a fall a while ago and sprained my wrist, however, I did get back on the rink as soon as I could.

I have also been spending some time thinking about what I would like to do career wise in the future. I have been thinking about doing some study next year which I am a bit excited about.

So, to summarise it's been a hard year emotionally and financially but also a great year emotionally and to connect with each other before B goes to school next year. I certainly don't regret this time and I am very thankful that I have had the opportunity to do this.