Tuesday, May 15, 2012


In my quest to live a simple life and trying to reduce waste I am looking to recycle and upcycle wherever I can.

I have always been a sewer but have not sewn as much for B as I thought I would. When I can go to Target or K-Mart and buy him a pair of tracksuit pants or shorts for $5 it is simply not economical for me to make any for him. However, I have this week upcycled a few items of clothing for him.

Firstly he had these jeans that were a hand-me-down so had already been well used. You can just see in the photo that there is extensive wearing in the knees - more than it's worth patching. So I decided to make a pair of shorts out of them to extend their life.

Jeans with worn knees

All ready to become shorts
All finished and ready for summer!

I also picked up this old men's shirt to make a new pair of pants. I found the instructions on how to do this here so I won't bore you with step-by-step instructions and photos. Suffice to say this shirt:

Became these pants:

I took a photo of the back as I used the pockets in the original shirt for back pockets of the pants (don't think the photo shows them clearly though). Unfortunately, B has a real aversion to buttons (not sure why) so I had to cut them off otherwise he won't wear the pants.

The shirt cost me $6 at the op shop, I already had the elastic and it only took me about half an hour to make. For a pair of "dressier" pants I think that it not bad. I only just had enough fabric lengthwise to make the pants so may have to make shorts in future. Of course I don't have a home supply of men's shirts so if anyone wants to send their partners my way when they are finished with it would be much appreciated. Hehe!

Any other tips for upcycling clothes would be much appreciated. I have a few other projects to try so I am a bit excited about the old and unwanted becoming new again!

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