Last week I re-organised B's "fluffy toys". I took them out of the container that was disintegrating and that they didn't fit in and put them in this lovely wooden box that my brother made in high school. Yep it's pretty old and has held together quite well considering it was made by a high school student.
When I did the change over I culled a few toys that I felt he didn't play with and probably wouldn't play with. There were more than could fit in the box but I was okay with the lid being open and the toys piled up a little. However, that was not what B wanted. He insisted that he be able to close the lid!
So we pulled the toys out one by one and he decided whether to keep or give away each one. As we put all the keepers back into the box the lid still didn't close all the way. So the lid was opened and more toys were pulled out.
So here is the box full of fluffy toys that he has decided that he doesn't need anymore. They will be going to our friend who will regift them to children who need them. It has been really good to have this avenue as it helps him put a "face" to where his toys go. To explain that there are some children who do not have any toys but that they can enjoy ones he doesn't want is really good.
I am so proud of B. He is a lot better than me about letting go of stuff and it is actually inspiring me to let go of a lot more of my stuff. I know all the theories about decluttering but the practice of letting go is hard. I really need to get on top of this while he is good at letting go of this things and before he starts to question why I hold onto things I don't use anymore.
This has been a really awesome lesson to learn from my child. I would love to hear any stories of similar lessons you have learnt from unexpected sources.
Now if I could only get him to wear underpants........................
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