Monday, February 11, 2013

January Organisation (Part 4)

Well, the 31 Days to Get Organised Challenge is over and done with. I have been a bit slack with the last week or so as I have been busy and we also got away for a few days as well (will blog about that soon). I also lost a bit of momentum but am keen to get back into it.

Day 24:  Car. This is one that I am putting off till B starts kinder as I really need the car to have a good clean and it's a lot easier to do without "help". I tend to bring everything out of the car each day and keep a rubbish bag in the car for any rubbish we have. There are probably a few things that I have kept in the car "just in case" that haven't been used and can move on.

Day 25:  Kitchen Utensils. I tackled this one on the pots and pans day so instead I went through the glasses and cups. I had a some from when B was younger that he doesn't need any longer. I did clear them out a while ago but they needed doing again. There were also some glasses in there that I don't use and were just taking up space.

Day 26:  Shoes. I thought this was fairly under control, however, I did get rid of 3 pairs that I don't like or are to old and ratty. I also have two pairs of boots whose soles have gone which I have now put in a bag in the car to take to the shoe repairer. It is something I have been meaning to do for a while and every time I drive past I say to myself that I need to take them in. At least now they are in the car so that I can stop next time I am driving by.

Day 27:  Belts. I don't wear belts so there was nothing to organise so I chose to spend my time today sorting through my DVDs and clearing out some of those that I don't really enjoy that much.

Day 28:  Kids Clothes. Another area that I do keep pretty much on top of. B doesn't have a lot of storage space in his room so I go through his clothes twice a year at the change of seasons and clear out what doesn't fit. I do have a few shirts in his close that he won't wear (he doesn't like buttons) but keep them in his closet hoping he may change his mind.

Day 29:  Pens, Pencils. My pens and pencils are very well contained. However, I have a friend who used to give me really cute fluffy pens which I had held onto even though they didn't work any longer. I had been debating for a while about what to do with them so have decided that I don't need to hold onto them any longer.

Day 30:  Books. Another one that I did prior to my garage sale last year but did another look through and managed to find a few more to get rid of.

Day 31:  5 Challenges to go on with. I haven't done them yet with holidays and having some behaviour issues to deal with B at the moment but will get to them when he starts kinder:
  1. "Doodle drawers" - these are B's craft drawers which are a real mess at the moment and needs a cull/tidy up.
  2. Shed - need to go through all the stuff in the shed as it is really full and a bit of a dumping ground.
  3. Under the beds - I really want to get of the containers under the beds. I need the things in (most) of them, however, I do not want to store things under the beds.
  4. Folders on desk - I have things in folders on my desk but I need to go through them to check that I need what is in them.
  5. Bags - I have a number of bags and there are probably a few that I don't/won't use.
What a great kick start to one of my goals for this year which is to live with less clutter and unneeded things. The stuff that I have cleared out has given me more space to organise what I do have more effectively and to be able to see what else I have to tackle.

Wish me well for the rest of the job!